Part 57: Chapter 5, Wrong Ending 2, Part 3
In control of Satoshi, we head back into the girls' lavatory and down the ladder into the custodian's closet.
A brown envelope is resting prominently atop the bodies of Naho and Kibiki. It definitely wasn't there before.
Satoshi and Naomi step out of the closet.
The photograph in the envelope depicts Yuka. And she doesn't look well.
Understatement of the century.
Music: Recursion
Oddly, this track plays after the game switches you to Ayumi, up until you change maps. After that point, it reverts back to Chapter 5's main theme.
We're automatically put back into control of Ayumi. We head south from the stairwell.
And we head into the ??? room.
Music: None
As Ayumi pulled a tissue from her pocket, she inadvertently pulled out her student ID as well.
The game gives us a very truncated version of Ms. Shishido's death scene without any visuals, just to make sure she's not left as a loose end.
Ayumi heads toward the incinerator.
Ayumi takes a step back.
Satoshi charges after Sachiko.
And Naomi chases.
Video: Chapter 5 - Wrong End 2
This video covers the remainder of the update.
We join Ayumi, who's walking through the underground tunnels.
Ayumi takes a few steps closer to Naomi.
Ayumi punches Naomi and knocks her to the ground.
Music: 1953
And she winds up her fist for another...
Sound Effect
Ayumi abandons Naomi's corpse and continues deeper into the shelter.
Ayumi glances down the corridor at Naomi.
Music: Wrong End
I really love this wrong ending. It's absolutely crazy how much work they put into it, with multiple CGs, multiple new scenes, and multiple sprites not seen anywhere else in the game.
And on that note, the LP has come to a close. I would like to thank you all for reading, and I would like to give an extra special thank you to tooooooo bad, for sending me a rip of all the game's graphics files and sound effects. Including sound effect links was a last minute decision I made when I realized I had all the sound files, and I think the LP turned out much better thanks to it. Corpse Party has its flaws, but it still manages to tell a compelling story with (mostly) likeable characters. And when this game does something right, it really does it well.
I'll be starting Book of Shadows soon and posting a link to the new thread in here once it's started, so look forward to that!